速報APP / 娛樂 / BizHawk N64 Emulator for Android

BizHawk N64 Emulator for Android





版本需求:Android 4.4 以上版本


BizHawk N64 Emulator for Android(圖1)-速報App

BizHawk N64 Emulator is an emulator for N64 handheld System on android. We do not make it for commercial just for community - who love N64 game system.

It's optimized and run well on many device with 3d smooth graphics

BizHawk N64 Emulator for Android features:

- Support Cheats

BizHawk N64 Emulator for Android(圖2)-速報App

- Customizable button layout and turbo support

- Physical controller capabilities

- Multiplayer capabilities over bluetooth and lan

- Support N64 game file and zip file (.n64, .z64, .v64, .zip, .7zip).

BizHawk N64 Emulator for Android(圖3)-速報App

- Support android 4.0+ (suitable for android 9.0+).

- Auto save, Save state and load state, x2 speed

- Auto Screen orientation: Settings - Display - Screen orientation - Auto.

- All Controls: Analog & Dpad & L+R+Z Button (Profiles - Select Profiles - Touchscreen profile - Everything: All Controls)

BizHawk N64 Emulator for Android(圖4)-速報App

If you buy and get your N64 rom, let try our best N64 handheld emulator with many arcade, fighting street final, super adventure, football sport, action game .

BizHawk N64 Emulator for Android(圖5)-速報App